For over 35 years Fridge-Seal has been producing commercial and domestic seals for bars, restaurants, kitchens and private residence all over Australia.

Who would have thought there are enough fridge and freezers seals to manufacture for 35 years right?!

We’re proud of our little business and the products we manufacture. We think we play a very small part in helping Australians maintain their applicances for a little longer in this day and age instead of throwing them away and buy new. 

Everything is manufactured from our factory in Melbourne, Australia. Made by local people we know and trust!

Combining passion, pride and love t offer world class seals at an affordable price.  

Australia's largest range of DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL Fridge and Freezer seals.

Find a Fridge or 

Freezer door seal

We have over 25,000 makes and models of fridges and freezers in our database. If you are unable to find your item please call one of our expert sales team for assisatnce.

  Search your make and model number here!

Organise a supply and installation visit

Here ar Fridge-Seal we offer a full on site inspection and installation service for Melbourne Metropolitan clients. 

Why not use our expert tradesman and take the hassel out of the processBook a site visit TODAY!





Trusted for over 35 years!